Managing Founder
Nicolas is a professional with 20+ years’ experience in tax law and tax planning, cross-border taxation, private wealth management, trusts and estate planning matters, business consulting and deal matching. Nicolas started his career in France and Luxembourg, and in 2014 he moved to Asia, where he has routinely advised and advise corporate and private clients in Hong Kong and in Singapore. Nicolas has gained a strong reputation of tax planning and business adviser, and his clients include international corporations, private financial institutions, HNWIs and family offices. Nicolas is based in Hong Kong and he intensively travels to Singapore and in the region.
- Master degree in legal advisory (Diplôme de Juriste Conseil d’Entreprise – DJCE) and Tax and Business Law (DESS Droit des Affaires et Fiscalité) from University of Nancy (France)
Tel : +852 92 48 41 92